Thursday, February 18, 2010

u ok today?

My boss texted me to see how I was going. I must have given off that air of sheer frustration.

Truth be told, I was hardly panic stricken. Just busy.

That's how it is right now - busy. As one end of the to-do list dissipates, the other end grows with a vengeance.

It's gotten to the point where people preface their interruptions with "I know you don't want to be bothered but..." One of the most common cries across the office is, "Je-esssssssss". Yes, with the perfect amount of confusion and frustration, my name can have two syllables.

People actually don't envy me; they admire my patience, they certainly don't envy me.

But this is what they pay me money to do.

And I'm left wondering whether this is a temporary thing, or whether this is a permanent state of play.

So am I ok?

In the context of today, yeah. Sure, I'm fine.

In the context of this week, this month - not really.

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