Tuesday, April 27, 2010


You know it's time to leave Perth when:

You become Facebook friends with someone and there's that 0.333 degrees of separation that only the most isolated capital city in the world can deliver.

You can't even get a head start on shaping your own notoriety because somebody who worked with somebody who went to uni with someone you went to high school with knows you and has already told all the daggy stories they can about you.

That is more or less a perfect example of how Perth works.

You just want to back away slowly before the stoic, parochial... who am I kidding?... stuff draws you in to stay longer and longer.

Until you're stuck.

Yep, that was just a great advertisement for WA: "We rock! And you should think so too..."

You know it's time to leave Perth when you realise you need to fashion a flow chart to show how you know everyone... or more importantly how everyone knows you.

Flow chart.

Coming soon...

You know it's time to leave Perth when... you want to be you. Not known as somebody's child, grandchild, sibling, niece or nephew, 2nd best friend twice removed.

(Don't get me wrong, identity is a great thing and you're inevitably, irrevocably shaped by family and friends)

There is that liberation in knowing that no-one knows of the university or high school you went to or the suburb you live in.

Nor do they care.

They want you to bring your A-game in humanity, be the best you that you can possibly be, show them you're more than just the pigeonholes yourself and others have slotted yourself in.

Yes please.


Unknown said...

You know it's time to leave Perth when you live in one of the rich suburbs and there are still bogans living next door.

We left 6 months ago and the only things I miss are my friends and cycling around the river. Don't miss fixing the punctures caused by said bogans smashing bottles all along the path though.

jessp said...

Yes, you buggered off to Melbourne if I remember correctly? I can't wait to leave the cashed up bogans to be precisely that: Cashed up in Como... or Applecross... or City Beach... Wherever.

How is the Skribe family coming along?