Wednesday, April 28, 2010

on my mind

I'm trying to get on a bit of a blogging kick. See if I can blog once a day (trust me, you don't need anymore than a once-a-day insight into my mind)

But here's some lolz from today.

1. I appeared in a colleague's dream.
In their dream, I was also spending a day a week working as a doctor. Apparently it's the best kind of moonlighting. I was a nice doctor for the record. Trust me, I'm a doctor (in your dreams)

But then, after the program (yes, we've shifted to real life) she came over and pointed to her eye and frowned. I was on the phone. As soon as I got off the phone, I asked what was wrong with her eye. She said it was puffy. I said, "You've got a stye, rub your eye with a gold ring." She asked me if I ever had any aspirations to study medicine.

So yeah... I just spent too many words on describing someone's dream (and real life). Moving right along....

2. Everyone loves my soup

I make chicken vegetable noodle soup that dreams are made of. That sentence doesn't really make sense and I don't care. It's that delicious.

3. Jane Austen, much like Charles Dickens is not that easy to read.
I find I need to devote my entire attention span to the very old syntax and the pussyfooting around things. Take for example in Persuasion, where Sir Uptight Conceited Father runs out of money because he's been too extravagant. Miss Austen takes five pages to explain in very convoluted 1800s terms that he must mortgage his home and rent it out in order to continue his cashed up lifestyle. Oh the shame! Just goes to show the GFC is not a new concept.

4. Dad was watching a Bon Jovi concert on Foxtel.
That fact disturbs me greatly.

5. Things you must investigate post haste.

In no particular order: QI, why Stephen Fry has lost so much weight of late, Turkey, Istanbul, Cappadocia, microstoven dishes, why I buy kitchenware when I'll be leaving the country in a month and, The Swell Season.

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