Friday, January 22, 2010

10 things I learnt about Adelaide

1. It seems like a lo-fi Perth. Or to channel my inner Mum (sorry Mum, nothing personal) - "It's what Perth probably looked like before they knocked down all the old wonderful buildings and replaced them with boxes."

2. The grid pattern of town planning is much harder to navigate your head around. Plus it's boring. I enjoy landmarks.

3. The museum, the art gallery and Parliament House are all in a row. And they probably planned it that way. Our taxi driver waxed lyrical about them as we drove past.

4. The food is good. We went to an amazing Thai restaurant. And it wasn't amazing in a 'they do a really good pad thai' kind of way. Heck, even the work cafeteria does a mean lunch.

5. They almost certainly get Perth's recycled weather. I was apologising to South Australians for their 40 degree day yesterday. Weird.

6. They have loos with views. The ladies facilities on the seventh floor of our training building had near floor-to-ceiling windows over the basins. I'd never had such an overwhelming urge to moon suburban Adelaide. In fact, I've never really had an overwhelming urge to moon anyone or anything.

7. Their commercial television news is reminiscent of regional television news. And they let bald men present it too.

8. They have animals I'd never even heard of in their zoo. Heard of a tapir? They kind of look like an aardvark... sort of. "What's a peccary?" I hear you ask... it's a cross between a pig and a hippo but smaller and hairier. Yep, there's something in the water there.

9. They sell schooners and pints there. Except the pints are smaller than normal pints. That would explain why you call someone small (like myself) pint sized. But you could only get away with that in South Australia. I left the pub feeling confused and ever so slightly ripped off.

10. The airport is overly salubrious. Which is a miracle because there are hardly any bins. But it's clean, tidy and airy. It didn't make me want to stab myself in the face with pure airport-induced fury.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Adelaide airport!!