Monday, October 20, 2008

vegies and decision making

I was walking back to my car with a trolley pull of vegetables (!) this afternoon and I was shocked to discover that this is probably a good indicator that I'm an adult.

Holy crap! I pay bills, live not only out of home, but far, far, away from home, do my own tax, and it would seem I also buy vegies. And not the frozen sort either.

This overwhelming sense of responsibility is not as frightening as it sounds. In fact, it's rather comforting.

My vegie-buying self-satisfaction is just another way in which I feel ok about not moving back to Perth for the time being. Do I want to live in Perth again? Someday, yes. But not today, or some time to come. Do I understand that this is an unpopular decision? Yes! Of course it would be unpopular for everyone in Perth - but until I come back permanently(it could be a long while), we'll always have Christmas and numerous weddings of friends and family members. Also, you could visit the "East Coast" (but just don't call it that while you're here, okay?) once in a while, pop in, see what life's been like for me for the past year or so.

Can I explain why I've spent the past year trying so, so, so hard getting back Perth, only to succeed and not want it anymore? Yes. Can I explain it and future plans without it sounding vague? Not really.

It's hard to explain, but one day you'll have that same sense of responsibility and satisfaction walking back to your car with a trolley full of vegies, knowing you've made the right decision.

And it'll be all the sweeter when you taste the vegies on a pizza that night for dinner.

Okay, so I made a pizza with ham on it, too. But don't judge me, it was lite ham!

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